Quick guide to xBand commands


If you have put your xBand in Morse mode through the app, don't forget to execute the command by double pressing the Action button.

Most of xBand's commands can be represented as Morse code. This guide will describe both the commands and their corresponding characters in Morse code. If you’re not interested in Morse code, you can skip the information about the characters associated with the commands.

Get current time in minutes

Press the Morse button quickly one time.

This corresponds to writing the letter: E, in Morse code: Short.

xBand response: Current time in minutes, for example 37 if time is 12:37.

Get current time in hours and minutes

Press the Morse button quickly two times.

This corresponds to writing the letter: I, in Morse code: Short, Short.

xBand response: Current time in hours and minutes, for example 12 37 if time is 12:37.

Get current date

Press the Morse button quickly three times.

This corresponds to writing the letter: S, in Morse code: Short, Short, Short.

xBand response: Current date, day and month. For example 05 11 if the date is November 5th.

Check connection

Press the Morse button quickly four times.

This corresponds to writing the letter: H, in Morse code: Short, Short, Short, Short.

xBand response:

If xBand is connected it will respond by vibrating two short followed by one long. Morse code letter: U. Short, Short, Long.

If xBand is not connected it will respond by vibrating one long followed by two short. Morse code letter: D. Long, Short, Short.

If xBand is in standalone mode (Bluetooth on xBand is disabled) it will respond by vibrating three short. Morse code letter: S. Short, Short, Short.

Check battery level

Press the Morse button quickly five times.

This corresponds to writing the number: 5, in Morse code: Short, Short, Short, Short, Short.

xBand response: Current battery level in percent, for example 81 if the battery level is 81%.

Commands available only in Morse mode

Write a text message

Note for iOS-users: Your phone needs to be unlocked and the xBand app open when you execute this command. (On Android this is not needed.)

Write “M shortname message”:

  1. Write the letter: M, (two long presses) on the Morse button.
  2. Make a space with a single press on the Action button.
  3. Write the shortname for a contact you have added in the xBand app on the Morse button and you want to send a text message to.
  4. Make a space with a single press on the Action button.
  5. Write the message you want to send. This can include any character supported by xBand and can contain spaces between words, which are made by making a single press on the Action button.
  6. (And execute the command by double pressing the Action button)

xBand response: Letter: C (Long, Short, Long, Short), if xBand could successfully interpret your command. Error-signal (8 short) if xBand could not interpret your command (if the entered shortname did not exist or any other error occurred).

On Android: the entered text message will be sent to the contact linked to the shortname.

On iOS: A message interface will open on your phone with the contact and message you wrote filled in. Press the send button on the phone screen to send the text message.

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