By default, xBand utilizes Morse code to translate information, such as numbers or text, into vibrations. Morse code is chosen for its simplicity, consisting solely of patterns of short and long signals. This straightforward system makes it easy to distinguish between signals and learn the rhythmic codes for various letters and numbers. Moreover, Morse code optimizes message length by coding more common letters into shorter signal patterns.
However, you don't need to master Morse code to benefit from xBand. You have the flexibility to regulate the amount of information contained in vibration messages and utilize abbreviations, set your own labels for alarms, and use other customizations to create vibration patterns that suits you. In a very short time, you'll intuitively discern between different types of notifications, alarms and other messages. For telling time, xBand also offers alternative encodings beyond Morse to translate time into vibration patterns.
If you are curious about Morse code and want to unlock the ability to effortlessly read entire text messages directly on your arm, the xBand app includes a practice section that teaches Morse code through vibrations, step by step.